Here, we have published articles related to tea and tea business, written by experts and by everyday tea users. This articles will give you an indepth insights on tea. These will help you take right decissions when you buy tea for your business or for your home use.
You may be a
wholesaler or a tea Packeteer, there are a few important reasons why you
might want to reconsider buying blended tea:
Cut Down Cost
-- Blending is done to cut down cost. Packeteer buys good quality tea
at a high price then mix it with low quality tea to lower the price.
This results in lowering the high-quality tea to average or below
average quality tea packet.
Consistency over Quality: -- Tea manufacturer process the tea every day. Tea quality mostly dependent on human judgement and impact of the weather. To
maintain consistency across different days of tea processing and
seasons, tea is blended, resulting in the unique characteristics of a
particular type of tea is lost in the blending process.
Increase in Cost of Tea
- -Packeteer cut down the cost of tea by mixing low quality cheaper tea
with high quality tea but in this process, he increases cost for
consumers without adding value to the tea. Just look into the
blending process. ---- Packeteer has brought at least 2 qualities of tea
from may be 2 sources. He has got a paid employee, who will open the
bags and mix the different tea and repack it in their own bags. Seller
own bag has a cost. This process costs money and the buyer pays for
Use of Additives -- Blended teas are often flavored
with perfumes, flavorings, or essential oils1. While this can add an
additional dimension to the tea, it might also be used to cover up the
quality of sub-standard tea.
Date of packing -- It is
compulsory to mark the date of packing on every tea packet. But if a
blender is mixing 2 years old tea with 1 year old tea, it does never
mention date of manufacturing of those tea. So there remain the chance
of that you are buying stale tea.
on other extreme if a
packeteer, using only one grade of good quality tea from one garden
within his consumer's budget. he can avoid all the troubles and cost of
mixing tea. With that savings, the packeteer can offer higher quality
tea to his buyers or cut down the cost of tea. Either way he can reach
more buyers.
So think again, May be you can start this one bag of one good quality grade of tea.
Pannalal Bramhachari
Start a easy business-- Assam tea selling
Believe me, tea
is a easy business. Market is huge. Everyone drinks tea. Everyone around
you are including your neighbourhood, your town, your district-- everyone.
Well may be half percent of them do not drink tea regularly but buy tea
for their homes. May be another half percent never drink and buy tea. Since,
we have got 99 percent tea drinking consumers, we can happily
concentrate on them. We are going to list all the points to be
considered before and during the course of tea business...... 1. Tea Quality-
Quality of the product is always important, be it tea or any other food
or product, quality product always attracts buyers to return too you
again, and again. Assam gardens are producing high quality tea for a long
time. So, getting quality product is not a problem for you. Just find out a few reputed tea suppliers, who will give you quality, commensurate with the price. Few companies like Originalitea P Ltd publishes
their tea prices along with quality, quantity and images their tea
every week. That is a great help even if you do not buy from them.
Because price and quality of one seller gives you clear idea that how
much the other sellers, who never publish the price openly, inflated
their prices.
2. Tea Price -After quality 2nd important
thing in a business is the price of the product. Have you noticed that
we have put Quality above price. Price is important but not above
quality. Just an example - you will knowingly never buy a stale food
even it is offered free. But you are always ready to buy good quality
food even at a premium price. Tea has also got same attraction, you
wont hesitate to buy better quality tea instead of cheaper tea which
makes you repent everyday whenever any one of your family drinks that
cheap tea and gives an angry look at you. But at the same time, you
must be careful that your tea price must not be too high for existing
market. In 2022, a tea garden of Assam sold its tea at Rs One Lakh Fifty
Thousand, per KG. It is not easy to get a tea buyer in India who can
afford such a high price. So select your tea at around and maximum 60%
of the retail price that is prevalent in your area. If you are buying
directly from Assam then there are very positive chance that your tea
quality is far better quality than other tea sellers in your area.
have noticed that most tea packers are using approximately 50% of the
packet tea MRP for buying the tea. Means If a packer is selling his
packet tea at Rs 400 per kg. He is possibly buying the loose tea around
Rs 200 per kg. Rest 50% goes to transportation, dealer<q>s commission,
staff salary, other expenses and sellers own profit.
3. Tea Packing Machinery-
If you can afford to install automatic packing and sealing machine then
very well and very good. That will help you quick supply of packed
product in huge number. Remember to go for latest technology and
reliable company. Where you will get quick services whenever you require
it. If the company has a branch in your city or nearer to your city
will be beneficial for you, whenever those machine breakdown bad days
4. With Low Investment- If you want to test the
market or you have surplus hands or short supply of investment, you can
start tea business without an automatic machine.
You can buy
plain silver foil pack ( silver foil packs are are air tight) and paste
printed labels on it. Per piece silver foil pack will cost you 50 paise
to Re 1 and printed label wont be more than 50 paise per piece.
Sealing the pack, buy a Rs 800 small Hand sealing machine. You may able
to pack around 25 kg tea everyday in different sizes of packs.
5. Store Room-
The room you will use for packing and storing must be moisture free, it
is important to keep the taste and freshness of the tea. Normally all
tea bags are moisture proof till you do not not put in a damp room.
The Assam tea wholesale business in India is a
lucrative market, but it<q>s also highly competitive. To succeed in this
business, you need to invest, above everything, in your effort then infrastructure and may be technology, build a
strong network of suppliers and buyers, and market your business
effectively. By following these tips and tricks, you can grow your Assam
tea wholesale business and maximize your profits.
Swaran Choupal
Starting A Successful Tea Business.
We always say that Tea Business particularly, Assam Tea business is easy. Because there is always a vast market for tea. All your neighbours are tea buyers. So you can establish tea business very easily.We regularly put link of our website in popular websites like Facebook, Twitter, Wordpress blogs, Bloggers etc to attract new buyers.
We always put all related tea details in the website including current prices, related tea images and current quantity of offer against every price.
After every updates, we generally get following messege from buyers either through WhatsApp or through Mobile calls or even missedcalls-- What is the price of your tea? Surprisingly they do not bother to learn from the website.
Our standard reply always is "Tea prices change every week, we always publish latest prices along with related quantity and images in our website"
But these eager would be employees (not employers) are in a hurry. They just want to know tea prices today. Make a mental calculations that their local prices are almost double, so they will make 75 or 100% profit.
By next day they hear about gold business and profit on that. So they forget about tea and start contacting Gold seller.
We sincerely feel every business is a very serious affair, by knowing only the price of the product, one can not succeed.
By learning good typing or good salesmanship, one can become a good employee but by knowing one aspect of a business one can not become even a good Head Assistant, becoming employer is very vbery distant dream.
Whatever business, you want to do, learn about that.
1.Internet is a good place to learn about your dream business.
2. Start with minimum investment.
3. Compensate your minor investment with your huge personal efforts.
4. Never Compromise on quality.
5. No one can give you quality items at cheap rate if it is not stolen item.
6. Never give trouble to your buyers and suppliers.
7. Only when your are sure of success, start increasing investment.
Best of luck.
Image is of famous Dawki River of Meghalaya
Anjan Dhat
Our way of handling miscalls by Improbable Buyers.
All businessmen face one common problem. Actually there are many common problems like electricity wastage, manpower shortage, trained manpower. But we are talking about getting miscalls. If your mobile or telephone number is in the public domain then you regularly get spam messages and miscalls. For business purpose, you have to keep the number visible to everyone, say in your website or in your Facebook or Coo account. So you can not stop spam messages.
But smartphone can delete all the spam messages in a click or block spammers. So this spamming can be tackled.
But how to stop miscall !
We could not, we at get 100 to 200 calls everyday in our all mobile numbers for our tea. We have a rule that every call must be picked withing 3 rings by the caller. Even after that, we get at least 5 miscalls every day jointly.
Those caller just give one single ring, which actually does not make any sound in our mobiles. We realize later that we got miscalls at such and so times.
One thing is clear to us that first BSNL and then Jio made mobile calls cheaper. Where as any business, even a road side tea stall requires at least Rs 500 working capital.
So if a person can not spend 30/40 paisa in mobile call, he or she can not start a tea business with us. In 2021, a buyer require around Rs 10000 to buy our high quality tea. That too, due to pandemic and gloomy economy.
Similar thing is happening with all other businessmen also.
These miscallers generally ring and put off the mobile immediately. If the miscaller is too quick, we even do not hear the ring, so no question of checking the call. Above all, we do not consider such miscallers have money to start a tea business. So when we find the miscall, we check it for the duration it gave missed call (generally it is for 2 seconds), we simply ignore it.
Some of these callers have got lot of time, they are persistent in giving miscalls. We also know that they do not have minimum money to start a business. So we continue to ignore them.
But if the caller has got some interest to start a tea business but afraid to send money to an unknown person, he generally gives half ring, i,e, say for 20/25 seconds. We do not blame the person for hesitating to send money to an unknown person.
So many online scams come up in the news every other week. (We also receive calls from those scammers regularly for our Credit Card numbers.) These halfhearted businessmen generally give 2/3 half miscalls.
After we receive first half miscall, if the second miscall comes than then we give it more ringing time, if he does not disconnect, we pick the mobile and discuss with him whatever he he/she wants to know.
Most of the time discussion remain inconclusive. The buyer wants to pay after he receive the consignment. Whereas, we do not deliver before receiving money.
We also give buyer another option that some transport companies collect cash on delivery on behalf of sender.
Transporter charge around Rs 500 for this service. So we tell the hesitant buyer that you pay for to and fro transportation charges and Rs 500 for cash on delivery charge and deduct one side transportation charge from purchase bill.
We insist on to and fro transportation charge because if buyer fails to lift the tea consignment then we do not have to pay for bringing back the tea. Though these over handling may damage the tea tea bag and finally the tea inside.
But hesitant buyers are always hesitant.
They may buy tea only if we give them free tea and send customers to them. But in many cases they come back after 6 months or even after one year. If and when they find out that their neighbours are doing roaring tea business with our tea.
sanichar Bhosle
Tea LOT Samples and TYPE samples
All tea businesses are started by the buyers after checking the sample.
Tea sample issued by tea gardens or wholesalers are two types.
One is Lot Samples and the other is Type Samples.
Every tea garden makes hundreds of kg tea everyday.
After sorting and packing, these are divided into small lots.
Every garden makes some predetermined quantity of tea may be 500 kg or six hundred kg or any other predetermined quantity. That is called one lot of production.
Or after sorting, when different grades are separated and prefixed quantity, may be 600 kg or 700 kg or any pre decided quantity is packed, we call it one lot.
When we give sample from such a lot, it is called Lot samples. If you like the sample and order for it; you get exactly the same tea which you had tested as samples.
You are assured of the quality and price.
But this is possible when garden is near to the buyer or courier service from garden to your city is quick or production of that tea garden is bit slow moving.
Generally tea gardens send such samples to all of their regular buyers and either request them to bid for it or offer the tea to them at a certain price.
You check the sample, accepted the quality and price. Then you inform the seller, follow the payment procedure and the seller sends the exact lot of tea that you had tested.
This is suitable and preferred when quality is utmost important. Say, you have got your own brand and you try to maintain and improve the quality.
Or When the seller tries to get higher price for his tea from the highest bidder of a large number of buyers.
Reputed gardens produce or sale in large quantity and have a wide range of buyers, spread over big geographical area like throughout the country. With strict quality control process and huge demand.
For such gardens it is nearly tough to keep a particular lot for a some time in stock. Because of their goodwill buyers are assured of quality. Such gardens are trusted so much by the buyers that often buyers book their product by paying advance even without physically checking the tea samples.
This type of gardens send samples on request from prospective buyers, often against a fee for courier charges.
When a buyer likes the taste and price of the sample, he orders for it. In turn the garden supplys the same or similar tea to the buyer depending on how quick the buyer ordered the tea and availability of the tea for whose samples were distributed.
The main advantage for the buyer is that he can check sample, do the market research for suitability of the tea in his area. When completely satisfied, he can order the tea. Unlike lot samples, this type of purchase are NOT required to rush through.
This method also help the buyer to get the fair price depending on the season and the quality of tea at the time of purchase. Say, if you are sitting in Mumbai and ordered the sample in a tea garden of Assam. In a normal time, you should get the sample within 6/7 days. Another 2/3 days for testing it. So after 10 days, you are in a position to buy the tea. But it may happen that by that time 2nd flush is over or some reasons, quality of latest has come down.
And you rightfully deserve some price cut down in the price.
This is possible only when you are given Type sample and not Lot samples.
Generally, Type sample giving gardens modify their prices as per quality and market demand of the tea. As a buyer, you always get this advantage.
Finally, if you are established near the tea garden belt, you may go for type sample. But tea is world wide business. Most of the time, buyers are established at 100s of kilometres away. For them Type sample is the best solution.
Nilanjan Dhar
How To Cope With Tea Price Increase in 2020
Year 2020 has become a tough year for every industry, for entire world. This musically sounding year started with bright business signs and with more than high hopes.
First non availability of rain in March 2020 then Covid 19 attack and subsequent lock down of tea industry made 110 million kg of tea loss. That is approximately Rs 1200 crore loss.
This is a loss just at the beginning of the tea season.
This loss will go up further for tea industry. Agriculture is dependent on season. Tea needs rain and heat. It grows everyday. If a tea Planter can not pluck it at optimum growth than that shoot over grows. That is again loss of quantity and also quality. Covid 19 lock down compelled gardens to slash down this over grown leaf. But this low production and high demand have increased the prices to 50 to 100%. If we were selling tea at this time at Rs 160 in 2019, now we are selling at Rs 230 in 2020. Brokers are even ready to sell very low quality old tea in auctions, because buyers are opting for affordable price sacrificing quality.
So that was problem, now what are the solutions?
Only bright side of this bad situation is that if somehow you can buy some tea from auction or preferably from tea garden even at above than reasonable price, selling at a premium price wont be a problem.
But how a small or new wholesaler or an small brand owner survive in this high priced market. Two nice ways are there for you. Buy at a higher price and sell it at higher price. That way you do not sacrifice your quality and your loyal buyers stick to your brand.
But Covid 19 adversely effected other industries also. Crores of people has become unemployed or facing severe income crunch. They may not be able to buy your brand at a higher price. In that case they will opt for next cheaper brand.
In such situation, best option for you is to sacrifice your quality. Say if you were blending 50% good quality tea and 50% low quality tea, now depending on the price, make it 30% or less good quality tea and 70% or more low quality tea.
Only precaution you must take that look of the blend should look as farthest as possible your regular blend. Say if you are generally using blend of blackish BOP + brownish OF and blackish PD, better to maintain similar combination.
Your buyers are habituated with the look of your blend. So if they find it at least, similar, they will accept change of quality.
If possible, start giving some incentive to your buyers. For example if they buy more quantity then give them some gift. Always remember, if your buyers become habituated with your tea for a month or more, that brand becomes their best tea. Then they start buying your quality ignoring other brands.
Sanchita Maitra
Tea Business Prediction in 2020
New year of 2020 is already one month old. New Tea season is coming soon. Assam tea gardens are getting little bit of rains. Normal rain that we get in the month of January. From the trend of weather it seems, we may get little bit rain in February also. If trend continues, tea gardens will start little bit of production after 15th March.
It appears that tea market will be good this year. Already established wholesalers have started sending their inquiries and requirements. Our own survey also shows that there will be good domestic and international demands. If you are planning to start tea business in 2020, it will be good year for you also. Some of you are already in discussion with us and some are already taken necessary steps.
We will try to inform all of you a few things about tea business.
1. Tea quality is depended on rainfall among other things. If Assam tea gardens get sufficient rain in February and March in 2020 tea quality and quantity both will improve.
2. Better quality will increase the price but more quantity production will cut down the price.
3. Being a wholesaler or a would be wholesaler, both situations are same to you. If price is low, you will buy it at low price and add your profit and sell it. Again, if it is high, you will buy at higher price add your profit with the price and sell it. So finally in both situations you will make profit. Only difference is that, in one case you have to invest more money and in other case, investment will be low. But profits are same or similar in both cases.
4. For many years, many wholesalers have been buying first production of the gardens at whatever prices the gardens are demanding. That is a goodwill gesture on the part of buyers. They are doing it traditionally, event for 2/3 generations. You may or may not do it, it is not at all important.
5. Though many buyers offer higher price for first production, but first production is not generally very good quality. Tea gardens generally make good quality or even excellent quality from first week of April.
6. When quality is good price is also generally high. Though, price is influenced by many factors like demand and supply.
7. In the month of May, tea gardens get less rainfall hence quality comes down so are prices.
8. In June and July, Assam tea gardens get excellent rain, so tea quality significantly improves. All gardens generally make there best tea during June, July and August.
9. Always try to buy tea as much as possible in the month of April, June, July and August. If you mix 75% low quality tea of December with 25% tea of April or June or July or August, your tea will be cheaper as well as better in quality.
10. This above point might not be possible for you if you are starting tea business in this year. But you must buy stock for December, January, February and March in November without fail. After November, latest by 15th December quality significantly comes down.
Wish you a grand successful tea business in 2020.
Satya R Paul
Non tea items that can be blended with tea
Tea blending can be improved to an art. You can blend it for your family use or for your buyers. Different blends of tea can be prepared using loose tea leaves. To blend in different flavors you have to be imaginative and creative. Tea being one of the most common beverage and can be blended in many different ways using different flavors and ingredients.
Different flavors and additives
People try and add different additives to the tea leaves for better taste. Some common additives may include:-
Fruit juice and spices.
Dry fruits.
There are also natural ingredients that are added to your blend of tea. These may include:-
Black pepper.
Tulsi, mulethi and ginger can also be added to the tea to make it herbal. Mint leaves can also be added to it for an exotic taste and aroma.
Cinnamon. And Many More depending on you buyers' taste.
Additives that are rich in natural oil are added to the tea as flavors. These offer the tea with spicy taste. It also holds its benefits of herbs along with flavor. Apart from this, mint leaves, sage and lemon grass are also added to the tea that offers it with natural punchy flavor.
In few blends people also add fruits like orange, apple and pine apple to offer it with fruity flavor.
Fruit extracts including Jasmine, hibiscus and rose petals are also added in few cultures to offer it with rich healing power. These act as best antioxidant property to the tea.
Blending that perfect tea for taste
When speaking of tea blending, there certainly are no fixed rules. Each cup of tea can be prepared as per your likes. Any additives can be added as per your taste and preference. When blending you can also experiment and discover your preferred flavor.
Preparation method (General Blend)
The main ingredient for preparing tea blend is all about selecting your best ingredients. All ingredients that you want to add to the tea can be selected individually and crushed to fine powder or paste.
If you prefer any unique flavor then you can add it to the crushed ingredients. The selection can be made on basis of rich aroma and taste.
You also need to keep in mind that selecting right quantity for each ingredient is important as per your taste.
Just add 5% to 10% of your prefered ingredients to tea leaves. The selection of ingeredient percentage has to be made depending on how strong or light your buyers' prefer it.
After thorough mixing of ingredients with the tea, next process is usual procedure of making a cup of tea.
You just need to keep in mind that tea is a beverage that can be prepared in many different ways. You have to select your particular taste and aroma when blending your cup of tea.
Amrit Kasyapani
Which tea is better, Assam, Dooars or South Indian?
Over a lot of production years, every tea variety in the country has been able to create a name for it in the export market. But a healthy competition always remains in these tea varieties. One variety may be better than the other one as these are manufactured in different regions of the country. Each kind has its own specialty. While Assam tea is best known for its heavy sales volume and strong musky flavor, Dooars tea is known for its artificially created blackness, low price and low quality. South Indian tea is best known for its low price and low quality in comparison to Assam tea.
According to the Tea Board of India, tea quality is determined by various factors like aroma, color, strength, and characteristics of infused leaf. Tea quality is the factor which actually judges that which tea flavor is the best. Tea quality greatly depends on cultural and environmental factors. Climatic conditions like humidity, sunshine duration, temperature and rainfall also contribute to overall tea quality. The tea quality of Assam and South India varies a lot, not only because these are entirely different regions, but also the genetic properties of the core tea plants of both the regionsis entirely different.
The state of Assam is the tea home of the country. The climatic condition consist of heavy rainfall and humid summers.India's largest tea research center is situated in Assam. Assam is the only region in globe where tea plantation is done in plains. Assam tea is an ideal early morning tea as it has a rich, fulfilling and strong malty taste which imparts intense energy to a lazy and tired mind. Secondary Assam tea is also famous for their distinctive taste, high quality and low price in comparison of its high quality. Assam tea is popular not in India only, it is the most desired tea in this entire green planet.
The Dooars or Duarsregion is about 30 km wide and spreads over about 350 km from the Teesta River in West Bengal to the Dhanshiri River in Assam. Tea industry is the main industry of the Dooars region. Half of the people are engaged in the tea estates for their economy.
In Dooars, the Assamese tea plant was found to be more acceptable.
Dooarstea can be described as black, clear and bulky with good volumetric count. The first flush has a virgin flavor which is really fresh with good fragrance while the subsequent flush is comparatively more brisk. In very strong blends, this tea flavor can easily play a reducer role.
Tea from South India are quite different. Always low quality, low price and high productivity. There are different south Indian tea varieties depending on the regions where tea is grown. The most famous varieties are Nilgiri tea, Annamalais Tea, Wayanaad Tea, Karnataka Tea, Munnar TeaandTravancore Tea. Nilgiri tea is grown in Nilgiris mountain range. This tea has an exquisite flavor and fragrance. The tea from Annamallais mountain ranges generates golden saffron liquor in the cup which has a strong flavor. Annamalais tea is known to be the ideal early morning refresher. One must try all the flavors of south Indian teas to experience the taste of all places.
Hans Chouhan
Different Options For Tea Business
Tea may be termed as the National Drink of India as maximum population of the country likes tea as a drink, whether its urban or rural population. India is one of the largest producers of tea in the whole world. Mostly the tea is produced in the regions of mainly in Assam, then in Dooars, Darjeeling, Nilgiri etc.
Various kinds of loose teas are popular in India as there are variations in tea blends according to the regions: -
Black tea is the most popular tea, which most of the people have grown up drinking. Entire India drinks it. It is one of the healthiest tea and over 80% business is done on Black Tea. Some Indian may be using Green Tea, but taste wise, price wise, popularity wise nothing comes even a mile near to Black Tea, particularly Assam Black tea.
Green Tea
This is a world-wide famous tea blend which itself has numerous variations like lemon, honey, cinnamon etc. Known for its anti-oxidant properties, this tea is a popular health drink in the country. People are eagerly putting green tea in their health schedule so that they can enjoy health benefits of this tea. But taste wise and price wise rather tough.
White tea is one of the purest and least processed of all the available tea flavors. White tea has a light in taste and in flavor and has natural sweetness. People love this flavor for its natural delicacy.
Masala Chai
The most wanted tea blend in almost all parts of the country is Masala Chai. It is popular in almost all restaurant menus. It is the most famous beverage made by mixture of spices, cloves and cinnamon, making it one of the tastiest tea flavors. Masala Chai gives best taste from Assam tea.
Ginger Tea
Ginger tea, popularly known as “adraki chai” in northern parts of the country is quite tasty with ginger as the major ingredient. This tea flavor is sold in abundance at tea stalls. People love to sip ginger tea in winters and in other cold environments. It gives relief from cold, cough, headache and tiredness. Like Masala Tea, Ginger tea is also made with Assam tea to make tasty.
Kashmiri Chai
Kashmir has an entirely different tea style, also known as Noon or Salty Chai. This traditional tea is mostly cooked in a samovar. This tea is also known as pink tea. It is also served in other regions like Nepal and Rajasthan.
Butter Tea
Butter Tea is a popular tea available in Himalayan ranges and mountains of Nepal and Bhutan. This is popularly known as Po cha in Tibetan regions and famous for itssalty flavor unlike sweet flavor of other tea variations.
Herbal tea is not at all tea. Unlike normal tea, it does not contain any leaves from the inherent Camellia Sinensis plant family. Just to popularise it easily they call it Herbal tea. Herbal tea is a kind of liquid which contains natural herbs which might have health benefits. It has further variations like Mate tea, Rooibos tea and Herbal infusions. Herbal infusions are one of the purest forms and consist of pure herbs and flowers. People can drink it hot or iced based on their choice.
Our country is a great place for tea lovers, even people from other countries agree to this fact. From perspective of a tea businessman, Black Assam Tea is best for its widest market and abundant supply in India.
Ayan Vajpeyi
Tea Packaging Options
Tea is drunk by everyone who can stand on their 2 legs, well almost. Thus, the market for the consumption of tea is global. India is no exception, and the very vast majority of its residents are tea lovers. The business of tea in India is thus extremely promising, as the potential target market is the entire Indian population. As such, good packaging of tea is of utmost importance. With a good and attractive packaging, you can immediately tempt the customer to buy your product, by catching their eye.
Different types of tea packets and pouches?
Tea packets and pouches are an essential part of how the tea is presented to the customer. Hence they need to be made very beautiful and appealing. Also, tea is delicate and needs to be handled with proper care and caution, so that its aroma and freshness are preserved.
Barrier bags
Barrier bags are one of the best bags for tea leaves. They can protect the tea from a number of harmful elements. Their multi-layered and stratified protection ensures that the delicate leaves are protected from UV rays. Sun rays can be harmful for tea leaves, which is why bags are needed that are impervious to the sun light.
Foil pouches
Foil pouches are useful for packaging of small quantities of tea. They can be used in hotels, offices, homes etc. These pouches can also be used for promotional offers. They can be easily carried in a small bag. They are better than ‘dip’ bags because foil is of better quality. It can resist a number of foreign particles.
Stand up pouches
These are ideal for tea as they are useful for retail shelving. They can be made of polyester, brown paper, white paper among a host of other things. For bulk packing, you may use following packing system.
Pillow pouches
This is another effective way of packaging tea. Pillow bags are one of the most customary ways of packaging used in the market. When the bag is packed with the product, it looks like a pillow. They can also be created with lamination and metallised lining to keep moisture out. They also have great resistance to pressure, so very less chance of getting torn or breakage.
Gusset bags
They are among some of the more uncommon methods of packaging tea, but they are very effective nonetheless. They are made of Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) resins. They allow you to package thicker or bulkier, larger items by having extra material on the sides or bottom that expand. It is a very useful method for packaging tea.
While all of them are very effective methods of packaging, the right design and visual appeal is necessary to appeal the customer aesthetically. The customer should be drawn towards the product by its visual appeal and wish to buy it and taste it. The customer should feel like it will add value.