Assam strong CTC tea in Uttarakhand . Buy directly from Assam factory. Get better QUALITY strong Assam tea at Assam price
Assam Tea, Minimum Price is @ ₹ 140 Per KG
আসাম চা সর্বনিম্ন মূল্য
@ ₹ 140 প্রতি কেজ
असम चाय न्यूनतम कीमत @ ₹ 140 है प्रति किलोग्राम
அசாம் தேநீர் குறைந்தபட்ச விலை @ ₹ 140 ஒரு கிலோவுக்கு
అస్సాం టీ ₹ 140 కేజీకి
અસામ ચાહ ન્યૂનતમ ભાવ
@ ₹ 140 છે. પ્રતિ KG
Assam ctc Tea in Uttarakhand We sell Assam tea in Uttarakhand direct from four supporting gardens of South Assam at Assam prices. All the gardens produces tea with best quality green leaf availbale in their respective gardens. This way, you always get garden fresh, long life, better quality Assam tea at low price. We do not engage any middlemen but sell it directly to anyone in Uttarakhand.
Entire Uttarakhand always prefers Assam tea, but generally you get 3/4 months\' old tea and at higher price. Because from procuring to sell of tea from Assam goes through different layers of wholesalers. Everyone keeps his share of profit and everyone take time to sell it depending on market conditions. So finally you get old tea at higher price. When you buy directly, you change entire system. You get fresh tea at lower price. When your market has got strong demand for Assam tea and you supply better tea at lower price, you automatically earn success. We sell both loose tea and packet tea. You may buy both from us @ 500 kg each. You may start your own Uttarakhand brand with our loose tea. You do not require a big investment for starting loose tea business, you can even start it from your home. But packet tea business needs higher investment and better visibility. Packet tea business, once established, will give you a few generations long profits. When you are passoinate about establishing your mark in your District, passionate about becoming an employer instead of an employee --- Go For It.
Wholesale Price in Uttarakhand Our current CTC Tea wholesale prices/kg of four supporting gardens are
Delivery on Next Monday Or Wait for Next List on next Wednesday. Chat
Sl No
Quantity (K.G.)
Quality Score
Price in Rs
To avail wholesale price, please order at least 1 lot from any of the offers. Transportation from Assam and taxes extra. Transportation, may be Rs 10 per KG and GST 5% on tea price.
Tea sample for Uttarakhand
Assam Tea Samples
₹ 250.00 to ₹ 550.00
For testing our tea, if you want, you may send us Whatsapp Request / Ring us at 9435700934. Here are 4 systems for taking Upper Assam tea samples. 1.If you are an established tea businessman and you have sufficient idea of testing tea. If 10/20 grams tea is sufficient for your tea testing. Then you may take 5 tea samples of 10/15 grams each by paying ₹ 250 + including courier charges. For 10 Samples of 10/15 grams each ₹ 300 including Courier charges. 2. If you are not very familiar with tea testing, you want to check and recheck the tea, you may take 6 tea samples of 50 gram each at ₹ 400 + Maximum 12 samples at ₹ 800 including courier charges. 3. If you want to do test marketing the Upper AssamTea before buying in bulk, you may take minimum 0.950 KG Assam teaa @ ₹ 350 + to ₹ 450 + plus courier charges of ₹ 150 + per 950 gram, Total ₹ 500 + to ₹ 600 + per 950 gram depending on the wholesale price of that particular tea. Please remember this offer is only on selective tea. 3A. Similarly, you may buy minimum one bag tea for test marketing at premium of Rs 10 per kg. That is if the wholesale price is Rs 200 plus GST for 10 bags of tea, you will pay Rs 210 plus GST per kg for 1 bag of tea. Please remember,this is also on selcetive tea. If for some reason,a lot is part sold, only than you may buy minimum one kg to a full bag. 4. Free Tea Sample. As a policy, we never respond to Miss Calls, we believe if the caller does not have money to make a call, he will have not money to buy tea. Similarly, if someone wants Free Tea Samples, he is not sincere about buying tea from anyone.
हमारी चाय के परीक्षण के लिए, यदि आप चाहें, तो आप हमें व्हाट्सएप रिक्वेस्ट भेज सकते हैं/हमें 9435700934 पर कॉ<ल कर सकते हैं। अपर असम चाय के नमूने लेने के लिए यहां 4 प्रणालियां दी गई हैं। 1.यदि आप एक स्थापित चाय व्यवसायी हैं और आपके पास चाय का परीक्षण करने का पर्याप्त विचार है। यदि आपके चाय परीक्षण के लिए 10/20 ग्राम चाय पर्याप्त है। फिर आप 100 रुपये + 150 रुपये के कूरियर शुल्क का भुगतान करके प्रत्येक 10/20 ग्राम के 5 चाय के नमूने ले सकते हैं। 10 नमूने 200 रुपये + 200 रुपये कूरियर शुल्क। 2. यदि आप चाय परीक्षण से बहुत परिचित नहीं हैं, तो आप चाय की जांच और पुन: जांच करना चाहते हैं, तो आप 400 रुपये में 75 ग्राम के 6 नमूने ले सकते हैं। अधिकतम 12 नमूने 800 रुपये में। आपको किसी भी कूरियर शुल्क का भुगतान करने की आवश्यकता नहीं है। 3. यदि आप थोक में खरीदने से पहले टेस्ट मार्केटिंग करना चाहते हैं, तो आप उस विशेष चाय के थोक मूल्य के आधार पर न्यूनतम 1.950 किलोग्राम चाय @ 350 रुपये से 450 रुपये और कूरियर शुल्क 200 रुपये प्रति 950 ग्राम, कुल 550 रुपये से 650 रुपये ले सकते हैं। कृपया याद रखें कि यह ऑफर केवल चुनिंदा चाय पर है। 3A.इसी तरह, आप टेस्ट मार्केटिंग के लिए न्यूनतम एक बैग चाय 10 रुपये प्रति किलोग्राम के प्रीमियम पर खरीद सकते हैं। यानी अगर चाय के 10 बैग के लिए थोक मूल्य 200 रुपये प्लस जीएसटी है, तो आप चाय के 1 बैग के लिए 210 रुपये प्लस जीएसटी प्रति किलोग्राम का भुगतान करेंगे। कृपया याद रखें, यह सेल्सेटिव चाय पर भी है। यदि किसी कारण से, बहुत कुछ बेचा जाता है, तो केवल आप एक पूर्ण बैग में न्यूनतम एक किलो खरीद सकते हैं। 4.नि: शुल्क चाय नमूना -_- एक नीति के रूप में, हम कभी भी मिस कॉल का जवाब नहीं देते हैं, हमारा मानना है कि अगर कॉलर के पास कॉल करने के लिए पैसे नहीं हैं, तो वह चाय खरीदने के लिए पैसे नहीं देगा। इसी तरह, अगर कोई फ्री टी सैंपल चाहता है, तो वह हमसे या किसी से चाय खरीदने के बारे में ईमानदार न
हीं है।
আমাদের চা পরীক্ষা করার জন্য, আপনি যদি চান, আপনি আমাদের Whatsapp অনুরোধ পাঠাতে পারেন / 9435700934 নম্বরে রিং করুন৷ আপার আসাম চায়ের নমুনা নেওয়ার জন্য এখানে 4টি সিস্টেম রয়েছে৷ 1.আপনি যদি একজন প্রতিষ্ঠিত চা ব্যবসায়ী হন এবং আপনার চা পরীক্ষা করার পর্যাপ্ত ধারণা থাকে। যদি 10/20 গ্রাম চা আপনার চা পরীক্ষার জন্য যথেষ্ট। তারপর আপনি 100 টাকা + কুরিয়ার চার্জ 150 টাকা দিয়ে প্রতিটি 10/20 গ্রামের 5টি চায়ের নমুনা নিতে পারেন। 10টি নমুনা 200 টাকা + 200 টাকা কুরিয়ার চার্জ। 2.আপনি যদি চা পরীক্ষার সাথে খুব বেশি পরিচিত না হন, আপনি বারবার চা পরীক্ষা করে পুনরায় পরীক্ষা করতে চান, আপনি 400 টাকায় প্রতিটি 75 গ্রামের 6 টি নমুনা নিতে পারেন। সর্বোচ্চ 12 টি নমুনা 800 টাকায়। আপনাকে কোনো কুরিয়ার চার্জ দিতে হবে না। 3. আপনি যদি বড় পরিমাণ কেনার আগে টেস্ট মার্কেটিং করতে চান, তাহলে আপনি ন্যূনতম 1.950 কেজি চা নিতে পারেন @ 350 থেকে 450 টাকা এবং কুরিয়ার চার্জ প্রতি 950 গ্রাম 200 টাকা। . অনুগ্রহ করে মনে রাখবেন এই অফারটি শুধুমাত্র বাছাইকৃত চায়ের উপর। 3A.একইভাবে, আপনি প্রতি কেজি 10 টাকা প্রিমিয়ামে টেস্ট মার্কেটিংয়ের জন্য ন্যূনতম এক ব্যাগ চা কিনতে পারেন। অর্থাৎ যদি পাইকারি মূল্য 10 ব্যাগ চায়ের জন্য প্রতি কেজি 200 টাকা প্লাস জিএসটি হয়, তাহলে আপনি 1 ব্যাগ চায়ের জন্য প্রতি কেজি 210 টাকা প্লাস জিএসটি দিতে হবে। অনুগ্রহ করে মনে রাখবেন, এই অফার শুধু মাত্র নির্দিষ্ট চায়ের জন্য। 4.বিনামূল্যে চায়ের নমুনা। একটি নীতি হিসাবে, আমরা কখনই মিস কলে সাড়া দিই, আমরা বিশ্বাস করি যে কলারের কাছে কল করার জন্য টাকা না থাকলে, সে চা কেনার টাকা পাবে না। একইভাবে, কেউ যদি বিনামূল্যে চায়ের নমুনা চান, তিনি আমাদের কাছ থেকে চা কেনার ব্যাপারে আন্তরিক নন।
எங்கள் தேநீரை சோதிக்க, நீங்கள் விரும்பினால், நீங்கள் எங்களுக்கு வாட்ஸ்அப் கோரிக்கையை அனுப்பலாம் / 9435700934 என்ற எண்ணில் எங்களுக்கு அழைக்கலாம். மேல் அசாம் தேயிலை மாதிரிகளை எடுப்பதற்கான 4 அமைப்புகள் இங்கே. 1.நீங்கள் ஒரு நிறுவப்பட்ட தேயிலை வணிகராக இருந்தால், தேயிலையை சோதிக்க உங்களுக்கு போதுமான யோசனை இருந்தால். உங்கள் தேநீர் பரிசோதனைக்கு 10/20 கிராம் தேநீர் போதுமானதாக இருந்தால். பின்னர் தலா 10/20 கிராம் எடையுள்ள 5 தேயிலை மாதிரிகளை ரூ.100 + கூரியர் கட்டணமாக ரூ.150 செலுத்தி எடுத்துக் கொள்ளலாம். 10 மாதிரிகள் ரூ 200 + ரூ 200 கூரியர் கட்டணம். 2.உங்களுக்கு தேயிலை பரிசோதனை பற்றி அதிகம் தெரியாவிட்டால், நீங்கள் தேநீரை சரிபார்த்து மீண்டும் சரிபார்க்க விரும்பினால், நீங்கள் தலா 75 கிராம் கொண்ட 6 மாதிரிகளை ரூ.400 க்கு எடுத்துக் கொள்ளலாம். அதிகபட்சம் 12 மாதிரிகள் ரூ.800. நீங்கள் எந்த கூரியர் கட்டணங்களையும் செலுத்த வேண்டியதில்லை. 3.மொத்தமாக வாங்குவதற்கு முன் நீங்கள் சோதனை சந்தைப்படுத்தல் செய்ய விரும்பினால், நீங்கள் குறைந்தபட்சம் 1.950 கிலோ தேநீர் @ ரூ.350 முதல் ரூ.450 வரை மற்றும் கூரியர் கட்டணங்கள் 950 கிராமுக்கு ரூ.200, அந்த குறிப்பிட்ட தேயிலையின் மொத்த விலையைப் பொறுத்து மொத்தம் ரூ.550 முதல் ரூ.650 வரை எடுத்துக் கொள்ளலாம். இந்த சலுகை தேர்ந்தெடுக்கப்பட்ட தேநீரில் மட்டுமே என்பதை நினைவில் கொள்க. 3A.இதேபோல், சோதனை சந்தைப்படுத்துதலுக்கு குறைந்தபட்சம் ஒரு பை தேநீரை கிலோ ரூ.10 பிரீமியத்தில் வாங்கலாம். அதாவது, 10 மூட்டை தேயிலைக்கு மொத்த விலை ரூ.200 மற்றும் ஜிஎஸ்டி என்றால், நீங்கள் 1 மூட்டை தேயிலைக்கு ஒரு கிலோவுக்கு ரூ.210 மற்றும் ஜிஎஸ்டி செலுத்த வேண்டும். இதுவும் செலக்டிவ் டீ தான் என்பதை நினைவில் வைத்துக் கொள்ளுங்கள். சில காரணங்களால், நிறைய பகுதி விற்கப்பட்டால், ஒரு முழு பைக்கு குறைந்தபட்சம் ஒரு கிலோ மட்டுமே வாங்கலாம். 4.இலவச தேநீர் மாதிரி. ஒரு கொள்கையாக, நாங்கள் மிஸ் கால்களுக்கு ஒருபோதும் பதிலளிக்க மாட்டோம், அழைப்பவருக்கு அழைப்பு விடுக்க பணம் இல்லையென்றால், அவரிடம் தேநீர் வாங்க பணம் இருக்காது என்று நாங்கள் நம்புகிறோம். அதேபோல், யாராவது இலவச தேநீர் மாதிரிகளை விரும்பினால், அவர் யாரிடமும் தேநீர் வாங்குவதில் நேர்மையாக இல்லை.
અમારી ચાને ચકાસવા માટે, જો તમે ઇચ્છો, તો તમે અમને વોટ્સએપ વિનંતી મોકલી શકો છો / અમને 9435700934 પર રિંગ કરી શકો છો. ઉપલા આસામની ચાના નમૂના લેવા માટે અહીં ૪ સિસ્ટમો છે. 1.જો તમે એક સ્થાપિત ચા ઉદ્યોગપતિ છો અને તમને ચાની ચકાસણી કરવાનો પૂરતો વિચાર છે. જો 10/20 ગ્રામ ચા તમારા ચાના પરીક્ષણ માટે પૂરતી હોય તો. ત્યારબાદ તમે 100 રૂપિયા + કુરિયર ચાર્જ 150 રૂપિયા આપીને દરેક 10/20 ગ્રામના 5 ચાના સેમ્પલ લઈ શકો છો. 10 સેમ્પલ 200 રૂપિયાથી વધુ 200 રૂપિયા કુરિયર ચાર્જ. 2.જો તમે ચાના પરીક્ષણથી બહુ પરિચિત ન હોવ, તો તમે ચાની તપાસ અને ફરીથી તપાસ કરવા માંગો છો, તો તમે 75 ગ્રામના 6 નમૂના 400 રૂપિયામાં લઈ શકો છો. વધુમાં વધુ 12 સેમ્પલ 800 રૂપિયા છે. તમારે કોઈ કુરિયર ચાર્જ ચૂકવવાની જરૂર નથી. 3.જો તમે જથ્થાબંધ ખરીદી કરતા પહેલા ટેસ્ટ માર્કેટિંગ કરવા માંગતા હોવ, તો તમે 350 રૂપિયાથી 450 રૂપિયા સુધીની ઓછામાં ઓછી 1.950 કેજી ચા અને 950 ગ્રામ દીઠ 200 રૂપિયાના કુરિયર ચાર્જ, તે ચોક્કસ ચાની જથ્થાબંધ કિંમતના આધારે કુલ 550 થી 650 રૂપિયા લઈ શકો છો. કૃપા કરીને યાદ રાખો કે આ ઓફર ફક્ત પસંદગીની ચા પર છે. 3A.એ જ રીતે, તમે ટેસ્ટ માર્કેટિંગ માટે ઓછામાં ઓછી એક બેગ ચા 10 રૂપિયા પ્રતિ કિલોના પ્રીમિયમ પર ખરીદી શકો છો. એટલે કે જો ચાની 10 બેગ માટે હોલસેલ કિંમત 200 રૂપિયા વત્તા જીએસટી છે, તો તમે ચાની 1 બેગ માટે 210 રૂપિયા વત્તા જીએસટી પ્રતિ કિલો ચૂકવશો. મહેરબાની કરીને યાદ રાખો, આ પણ સેલ્સિવ ચા પર છે. જો કોઈ કારણસર, ઘણું બધું આંશિક રીતે વેચાય છે, તો ફક્ત તમે સંપૂર્ણ બેગમાં ઓછામાં ઓછું એક કિલો ખરીદી શકો છો. 4. Free Tea Sample-.એક નીતિ તરીકે, અમે ક્યારેય મિસ કોલનો જવાબ આપતા નથી, અમે માનીએ છીએ કે જો કોલ કરનાર પાસે કોલ કરવા માટે પૈસા ન હોય, તો તેની પાસે ચા ખરીદવા માટે પૈસા નહીં હોય. એ જ રીતે જો કોઈને ફ્રી ચાના સેમ્પલ જોઈતા હોય તો તે કોઈની પાસેથી ચા ખરીદવા માટે ઈમાનદાર નથી.
మా టీని పరీక్షించడం కొరకు, మీరు కావాలనుకుంటే, మీరు మాకు వాట్సప్ రిక్వెస్ట్ పంపవచ్చు/ 9435700934 వద్ద మాకు రింగ్ చేయవచ్చు. ఎగువ అస్సాం టీ నమూనాలను తీసుకోవడానికి ఇక్కడ 4 వ్యవస్థలు ఉన్నాయి. 1.మీరు స్థిరపడిన టీ వ్యాపారవేత్త అయితే మరియు టీని పరీక్షించడం గురించి మీకు తగినంత ఆలోచన ఉంటే. మీ టీ పరీక్షకు 10/20 గ్రాముల టీ సరిపోతుంది. అప్పుడు మీరు రూ.100 + రూ.150 కొరియర్ ఛార్జీలు చెల్లించి 10/20 గ్రాముల 5 టీ నమూనాలను తీసుకోవచ్చు. 10 శాంపిల్స్ రూ.200+ రూ.200 కొరియర్ ఛార్జీలు. 2.మీకు టీ టెస్టింగ్ గురించి అంతగా పరిచయం లేకపోతే, మీరు టీని తనిఖీ చేసి తిరిగి తనిఖీ చేయాలనుకుంటే, మీరు రూ.400 వద్ద 75 గ్రాముల 6 నమూనాలను తీసుకోవచ్చు. గరిష్టంగా 12 శాంపిల్స్ ధర రూ.800. మీరు ఎటువంటి కొరియర్ ఛార్జీలు చెల్లించాల్సిన అవసరం లేదు. 3.మీరు బల్క్గా కొనడానికి ముందు టెస్ట్ మార్కెటింగ్ చేయాలనుకుంటే, మీరు కనీసం 1.950 కిలోల టీని రూ.350 నుండి రూ.450 వరకు తీసుకోవచ్చు మరియు 950 గ్రాములకు కొరియర్ ఛార్జీలు రూ.200, ఆ నిర్దిష్ట టీ యొక్క హోల్సేల్ ధరను బట్టి మొత్తం రూ.550 నుండి రూ.650 వరకు తీసుకోవచ్చు. ఈ ఆఫర్ కేవలం సెలెక్టివ్ టీపై మాత్రమే అని దయచేసి గుర్తుంచుకోండి. 3A.అదేవిధంగా, మీరు టెస్ట్ మార్కెటింగ్ కోసం కనీసం ఒక బ్యాగ్ టీని కిలోకు రూ.10 ప్రీమియంతో కొనుగోలు చేయవచ్చు. అంటే హోల్సేల్ ధర 10 బస్తాల టీకి రూ.200+ జీఎస్టీ అయితే, 1 బస్తా టీకి కిలోకు రూ.210+ జీఎస్టీ చెల్లించాలి. దయచేసి గుర్తుంచుకోండి, ఇది కూడా సెల్సెటివ్ టీలో ఉంటుంది. కొన్ని కారణాల వల్ల, చాలా భాగం విక్రయించబడితే, మీరు ఒక పూర్తి బ్యాగుకు కనీసం ఒక కిలో మాత్రమే కొనుగోలు చేయవచ్చు. 4. ఉచిత టీ నమూనా. ఒక పాలసీగా, మేము మిస్ కాల్స్ కు ఎప్పుడూ ప్రతిస్పందించము, కాల్ చేయడానికి కాల్ చేసిన వ్యక్తి వద్ద డబ్బు లేకపోతే, టీ కొనడానికి అతని వద్ద డబ్బు ఉండదని మేము నమ్ముతున్నాము. అదేవిధంగా, ఎవరైనా ఉచిత టీ శాంపిల్స్ కోరుకుంటే, అతను ఎవరి నుండి టీ కొనడానికి నిజాయితీగా ఉండడు.
आमच्या चहाच्या चाचणीसाठी तुम्हाला हवं असेल तर तुम्ही आम्हाला व्हॉट्सअॅप रिक्वेस्ट पाठवू शकता/ 9435700934 वाजता फोन करू शकता. अप्पर आसाम चहाचे नमुने घेण्यासाठी येथे 4 प्रणाली आहेत. 1.जर आपण एक प्रस्थापित चहा व्यावसायिक असाल आणि आपल्याला चहाची चाचणी करण्याची पुरेशी कल्पना असेल. जर आपल्या चहाच्या चाचणीसाठी 10/20 ग्रॅम चहा पुरेसा असेल. मग तुम्ही १०० रुपये + १५० रुपये कुरिअर चार्ज भरून प्रत्येकी १०/२० ग्रॅमचे ५ चहाचे नमुने घेऊ शकता. १० नमुने २०० + २०० रुपये कुरिअर शुल्क. 2.जर तुम्हाला चहा टेस्टिंगची फारशी माहिती नसेल तर तुम्हाला चहा चेक करून पुन्हा चेक करायचा असेल तर तुम्ही प्रत्येकी 75 ग्रॅमचे 6 नमुने 400 रुपयांना घेऊ शकता. जास्तीत जास्त 12 नमुने 800 रुपयांत. आपल्याला कोणतेही कुरिअर शुल्क भरण्याची आवश्यकता नाही. 3.मोठ्या प्रमाणात खरेदी करण्यापूर्वी टेस्ट मार्केटिंग करायचे असेल तर त्या विशिष्ट चहाच्या घाऊक किमतीनुसार किमान १.९५० किलो चहा @ ३५० ते ४५० रुपये तसेच २०० रुपये प्रति ९५० ग्रॅम, एकूण ५५० ते ६५० रुपये कुरिअर चार्ज ेस घेऊ शकता. कृपया लक्षात ठेवा की ही ऑफर फक्त निवडक चहावर आहे. 3A.त्याचप्रमाणे टेस्ट मार्केटिंगसाठी तुम्ही कमीत कमी एक बॅग चहा १० रुपये किलो प्रीमियमने खरेदी करू शकता. म्हणजेच चहाच्या १० पिशव्यांसाठी घाऊक किंमत २०० रुपये प्लस जीएसटी असेल तर १ पिशवी चहासाठी प्रतिकिलो २१० रुपये प्लस जीएसटी भरावा लागेल. कृपया लक्षात ठेवा, हे देखील सेल्सेटिव्ह चहावर आहे. जर काही कारणास्तव बरेच काही विकले गेले असेल तर आपण पूर्ण पिशवीत कमीतकमी एक किलो खरेदी करू शकता. 4.विनामूल्य चहा नमुना. पॉलिसी म्हणून आम्ही मिस कॉल्सला कधीच प्रतिसाद देत नाही, आमचा असा विश्वास आहे की फोन करणाऱ्याकडे कॉल करण्यासाठी पैसे नसतील तर त्याच्याकडे चहा विकत घेण्यासाठी पैसे नसतील. त्याचप्रमाणे कुणाला मोफत चहाचे नमुने हवे असतील तर तो कोणाकडूनही चहा विकत घेण्याबाबत प्रामाणिक नसतो.
Payment Gate
You may deposit money in our bank account or UPI ID for Sample tea. Numbers are - -
आप नमूना चाय के लिए हमारे बैंक खाते या यूपीआई आईडी में पैसे जमा कर सकते हैं। बैंक खाता संख्या हैं - -
శాంపిల్ టీ కోసం మీరు మా బ్యాంక్ ఖాతా లేదా యుపిఐ ఐడిలో డబ్బును డిపాజిట్ చేయవచ్చు. బ్యాంకు ఖాతా నెంబరులు - -
আপনি নমুনা চায়ের জন্য আমাদের ব্যাংক অ্যাকাউন্ট বা ইউপিআই আইডিতে টাকা জমা দিতে পারেন। অ্যাকাউন্ট নম্বরগুলি হল - -
તમે સેમ્પલ ચા માટે અમારા બેંક એકાઉન્ટ અથવા યુપીઆઈ આઈડીમાં પૈસા જમા કરાવી શકો છો. બેંક ખાતા નંબરો છે - - -
மாதிரி தேநீருக்காக எங்கள் வங்கிக் கணக்கில் அல்லது UPI ஐடியில் நீங்கள் பணத்தை டெபாசிட் செய்யலாம். வங்கிக் கணக்கு எண்கள் - -
नमुना चहासाठी आपण आमच्या बँक खात्यात किंवा यूपीआय आयडीमध्ये पैसे जमा करू शकता. बँक खाते क्रमांक असे आहेत - -
-- Alpana Dhar, A/C No-10631000036708, IFSC No- HDFC0001063, HDFC Bank, Silchar - Assam. Or at Nilanjan Dhar, ID- 310119309, A/c No - 3246221369, Post Office Savings Bank Account, Silchar Head Post Office, Assam. Or at PhonePe or Gpay number 9435700934 in the name of Nilanjan Dhar
Only For Buying Tea Not For Tea Sample Payment.
టీ కొనుగోలు చేయడానికి మాత్రమే టీ శాంపిల్ పేమెంట్ కోసం కాదు.
শুধু চা কেনার জন্য চায়ের নমুনা পেমেন্টের জন্য নয়.
ફક્ત ચા ખરીદવા માટે ચાના નમૂનાની ચુકવણી માટે નહીં.
தேநீர் வாங்குவதற்கு மட்டும், தேநீர் மாதிரி கொடுப்பனவுக்கு அல்ல.
फक्त चहा विकत घेण्यासाठी, चहाच्या नमुन्याच्या पेमेंटसाठी नाही.
Number is- Originalitea Private Limited A/c No- 03451100002798, IFSC PSIB0000345, Punjab & Sindh Bank, Silchar - Assam
Packet tea Distributorship for Uttarakhand
We also offer distributorship or Dealership of our packet tea in your area. Wholesale price of Our packet tea, starts from ₹ 250 to ₹ 300 per kg.
Generally our MRP is ₹ 450, but buyer can modify this depending on transportation cost and local requirements.
To become our distributor, you need to buy our packet or loose tea, at least for 3 months. Depending on your total transacktion for all 3 months, we may offer you exclusive distributorship for your district or State.
Retail Price for Uttarakhand
Assam Tea Retail To Celebrate our 75 th Independence Anniversery, we have started selling tea in retail in 0.950 kg Pack from 13-8-22. You can buy any tea from the top list of stock in hand. It will cost Minimum Rs 350 to Maximum Rs 450 (except Speciality Tea) + courier charges around Rs 200 per KG.
You can order by sending a Whatsapp Messege to 9435700934.
আসাম চা খুচরা বিক্রয় আমাদের 75তম স্বাধীনতা বার্ষিকী উদযাপন করতে, 0মরা 0.950 কেজি প্যাকে 13-8-22 তারিখ থেকে খুচরাভাবে চা বিক্রি শুরু করেছি৷ আপনি গোডাউনে স্টকের শীর্ষ তালিকা থেকে যেকোনো চা কিনতে পারেন। এর দাম পড়বে সর্বনিম্ন 350 টাকা থেকে 450 টাকা (বিশেষ চা বাদে) প্লাস 5% জিএসটি + কুরিয়ার চার্জ প্রতি কেজি প্রায় 200 টাকা।
আপনি 9435700934 নম্বরে একটি Whatsapp মেসেজ পাঠিয়ে অর্ডার করতে পারেন।
असम टी खुदरा अपनी 75वीं स्वतंत्रता वर्षगांठ मनाने के लिए, हमने 13-8-22हमारे बारे में से 0.950 किलोग्राम पैक में चाय की खुदरा बिक्री शुरू कर दी है। आप स्टॉक की शीर्ष सूची से कोई भी चाय खरीद सकते हैं। इसकी कीमत न्यूनतम 350 रुपये से 450 रुपये (स्पेशलिटी चाय को छोड़कर) और 5% जीएसटी + कूरियर शुल्क लगभग 200 रुपये प्रति किलोग्राम है।
आप 9435700934 पर Whatsapp मैसेज भेजकर ऑर्डर कर सकते हैं।
આસામ ટી રિટેલ અમારી 75મી સ્વતંત્રતા વર્ષગાંઠની ઉજવણી કરવા માટે, અમે 13-8-22 થી
0.950 કિલોના પેકમાં છૂટકમાં ચા વેચવાનું શરૂ કર્યું છે. તમે હાથમાં રહેલા સ્ટોકની ટોચની યાદીમાંથી કોઈપણ ચા ખરીદી શકો છો. તેની કિંમત ન્યૂનતમ રૂ. 350 થી રૂ. 450 (સ્પેશિયાલિટી ટી સિવાય) વત્તા 5% GST + કુરિયર ચાર્જ લગભગ રૂ. 200 પ્રતિ કિલો હશે.
તમે 9435700934 પર Whatsapp મેસેજ મોકલીને ઓર્ડર કરી શકો છો.
அஸ்ஸாம் தேயிலை சில்லறை விற்பனை எங்கள் 75 வது சுதந்திர தினத்தை கொண்டாடும் வகையில், 13-8-22 முதல் 0.950 கிலோ பேக்கில் தேயிலை விற்பனையை தொடங்கினோம். கையிருப்பில் உள்ள டாப் லிஸ்டில் இருந்து நீங்கள் எந்த தேநீரையும் வாங்கலாம். இதற்கு குறைந்தபட்சம் ரூ 350 முதல்
ரூ 450 வரை (சிறப்பு தேநீர் தவிர) மற்றும் 5% ஜிஎஸ்டி + கூரியர் கட்டணம் ஒரு கிலோவுக்கு ரூ. 200.
9435700934 என்ற எண்ணுக்கு Whatsapp மெசேஜ் அனுப்புவதன் மூலம் ஆர்டர் செய்யலாம்.
అస్సాం టీ రిటైల్ మా 75 వ స్వాతంత్ర్య వార్షికోత్సవాన్ని పురస్కరించుకుని, మేము 13-8-22 నుండి 0.950 కిలోల ప్యాక్లో టీని రిటైల్గా విక్రయించడం ప్రారంభించాము. మీరు చేతిలో ఉన్న స్టాక్ టాప్ లిస్ట్ నుండి ఏదైనా టీని కొనుగోలు చేయవచ్చు.? దీనికి ఖర్చు అవుతుంది. కనిష్టంగా రూ.350 గరిష్టంగా రూ.450 వరకు (స్పెషాలిటీ టీ మినహా) + కొరియర్ ఛార్జీలు కిలోకు రూ.200 వరకు ఉంటాయి మీరు 9435700934 వాట్సాప్ మెస్సేజ్ పంపడం ద్వారా ఆర్డర్ చేయవచ్చు.
Base Three Tea Qualities To make your business a successful one, you must know the at least basic important things about it. Many new tea businessmen are often becomes confused about Primary, Secondary or RP Tea. For easy understanding, we have decided to put explanation of Primary, Secondary and Reprocessed Tea. When new green leaf is processed and graded, primary tea is made. Primary tea is the best quality of every tea factory. But a small percentage of this tea, depending on quality of green leaf, may be of less weight or contains more fiber or may not be in acceptable size. This tea is required to be resorted. This resorted tea is called Secondary tea. Due to resorting, it looses some of its bloom and strength. Reprocessed tea stands below secondary grade. When green leaf is processed, fiber, unacceptable size, tea balls comes out of Drier and Sorting machines. This is re cut in CTC machines as if new tea is being made including drying and sorting. This is called Reprocessed tea. Since it has been made from the residue of original green leaf, quality goes down and priced low.
Assam CTC Tea Buying Time.
Assam tea is full of all good things that you can think of. One of these many good things of Assam tea is that it is being taken by all and at all time of the year and at all time of the day and almost all time of night. This, along with other numerous healthy benefits of Assam tea including low price, it is very easy to market and sale. You can buy it throughout the year and sell it throughout the year. But if you want to buy it directly from tea plantation, best time to start buying it from the month of end March. New tea season for Assam, Dooars and Darjeeling tea starts in the month of March. New fresh leaves start coming up after couple of months of lull period. New eye soothing soft leaf comes out and one can make good tea with those tender leaf. Then come second flush at june to August. Both Assam, Dooars and Darjeeling, Tripura Tea gardens makes their best tea during this second flush. Please check Assam Tea for more information. After August, quality of Assam, Tripura or Darjeeling Tea start coming down. Strength of liquor and brightness come down. Then you require more quantity, may be one full spoon tea leaf for making a cup of quality tea.
Generally, Assam tea quality remains Best to Better till November. During December it comes down to Good quality. From January onward, it becomes avarage quality and low priced. So best time to buy Assam tea is March to is half of December. But if you want cheap Assam tea for mixing with better quality Assam tea then January to February is the best time.
Standard of Uttarakhand Tea
After seeing the success of Darjeeling tea, some enthustitic European businessmen startrd tea garden in Uttarakhand. Like Darjeeling, they used chinese varaiety of tea seedlings. But it got very insignificant period of success in those period. So general people opted for Assam Tea. which is always cheaper and stronger than any other tea. Gradually Darjeeling tea also lost its shine and Assam tea quality improved further and cost of Assam tea became comparatively cheaper. Hence, Assam Tea is now all pervaing in Uttarakhand.
Tea Grades Meaning
Many new tea businessmen are often becomes confused about Primary, Secondary or RP Tea. For easy understanding, we have decided to put explanation OF Primary, Secondary and Reprocessed Tea.
When new green leaf is processed and graded, primary tea is made. Primary tea is the best quality of every tea factory.
But a small percentage of this tea, depending on quality of green leaf, may be of less weight or contains more fiber or may not be in acceptable size. This tea is required to be re sorted. This re sorted tea is called Secondary tea. Due to re sorting, it looses some of its bloom and strength.
Reprocessed tea stands below secondary grade. When green leaf is processed, fiber, unacceptable size, tea balls comes out of Drier and Sorting machines. This is re cut in CTC machines as if new tea is being made including drying and sorting. This is called Reprocessed tea. Since it has been made from the residue of original green leaf, quality goes down. We have given below images with relevent descriptions. Actual product may slightly vary due to limitations of camera. Secondary or Reprocessed tea are size wise same to its primary counterpart. But quality wise lower.
Primary Grades---
When we finish processing tea, its comes out of Drier in mixed sizes and shapes.
Then it is graded according to its sizes.
Top of the list is B O P L--Means Broken Orange Pekoe Large. Its the biggest size in CTC tea. Good in aroma, Good Orane colour but light in liquor. Since size is big and traditionally most of India is not habituated with this size, so it is not very popular everywhere in India. Genearally, tea gardens always try to to make or totally avoid making BOPL. BopL is mostly used in blending with other tea for its flavour and colour properties. Price wise also cheper than other smaller grades.
B P S--Means Broken Pekoe Sauchong.
it comes after B O P L in size but taste generally better than B O P L. it is also not easy to to differentiate between BOPL and BPs, size wise, even for an expert. Like BopL, BPs is also not extensively used.
It gives better colour, better liquor and sufficient aroma in comparison to B O P L. Like BOPL, it is also mainly used to in blending.
We get it through 8 holes per inch in a mesh.
B O P--stands for Broken Orange Pekoe.
It comes after B P S in size but taste generally better than B O P L. It is also popular with domestic as well as internation household buyers.
It gives better colour, better liquor and sufficient aroma in comparison to BPs.
We get it through 10 holes per inch in a mesh.
Bop is more popular than its bigger grades.
B O P S M--is shortform for Broken Orange Pekoe Small. Size wise it comes after Bop. It contains both liquor and flavour. Actually more flavour. It is very popular among household consumers. Since its size is well accepted by consumers, a prospective wholealer can solely sell this grade. Those who prefer decent tea, neither strong nor mild with tea aroma, like BOPsm. For getting B O P S M, you require 12 holes per inch in a mesh.
B P-- Means Broken Pekoe.
Size wise its an ideal size, appearance eye pleasing, contains both strong liquor and nice aroma. In all tea grades, BP comes exactly middle size. it is Very popular among household consumers and high end hotels. Normal tea consumers, who take tea with milk, BP is preferred by them.
To get B P, you need 14 holes per inch in a mesh.
B P Sm-- Means Broken Pekoe Small.
Smaller than B P, contains stronger liquor, popular among big hotels and households. Here you require 18 holes per inch in a mesh. You may use it for your Brand
OF--Short form of Orange Fannings. Size is eye pleasing like B P and B P Sm. Contains strong liquor.
Popular with all hotels, restaurant, tea stalls etc and to some extent among domestic consumers.
For making OF grade, your mesh must have 22 holes per inch. OF taste stronger and looks good also. You can even start your Brand with OF.
P D-- P D stands for Pekoe Dust. is above Dust and below PF and OF- size wise.
Popular with tea stalls, restaurant due to its strong and quick liquor. Generally P D gives nice coloured tea.You require 26 holes per inch in your sorting mesh.
Dust-- You understood it clearly. It is simple and pure tea dust. The final and smallest size. It gives strongest colour and liquor. Very popular with tea stalls. But should be used with other grades. Otherwise, it resembles more like dirt.
to get this smallest sizes, you need to use 30 holes per inch mesh.
We call B O P S M, B P and B P S M are premium grades and these are costlier than other primary grades. Secondary grades are described with same name but with an 1 at the end. Like B P1, B O P S M1, of1. Secondary grades contains all characteristics of primary grades but in lesser quantity. For example B P1 will look similar to B P but B P1 will be somewhat brownish. It will contain less liquor, less aroma and also less bloom. Similarly all secondary grades are similar sizes of theirs primary counter part but contain less qualities then the primaries.
For Sample or bulk purchase, Please insert your detail Before Making Payment in the Next Page. You can also send us your requirement through email without registration. Email id is at the top and bottom of this page.